Welcome to the Nursery! Our church proudly serves parents so that you may attend our worship services. Our nursery is designed for infants through toddlers and you can drop off your little one(s) before service times with our loving, caregiving volunteers.
You will find the Nursery across from the Worship Center, in the building known as The Landing. The Nursery is located to your immediate left, as you enter the double doors of The Landing.
Please let us know to know if your child has any special needs such as allergies, or if your child is on a special schedule for feeding and napping. We will do our best to follow the same schedule. Please include these items in your child’s diaper bag: two diapers, a change of clothes and a snack.
To make sure our nursery stays as clean as possible, we ask that you hand your child to us instead of coming into the nursery. For the health of all the children and our caregiving nursery volunteers, we ask that you not leave your child with us if they show any signs of illness or have had any of the following symptoms within the past 24 hours: Cold, flu, fever, runny nose, persistent cough, vomiting and diarrhea.
We have a paging system and will contact you if necessary. We look forward to serving you and we hope to you see you and your child(ren) soon!