Our EFree Children's Ministry seeks to partner with parents to provide a spiritual background that will bring a child into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Our desire is that this partnership with families will provide an educational experience that is biblically-based, age appropriate, relevant, relational, diverse and fun!
Our weekly Sunday School Program is offered during our second church service from 10:45 AM to noon. Check-in begins at the Welcome Center downstairs at 10:30am. The Orange curriculum is presented by preschool and elementary leaders to classes for children from age 2 thru 5th grade. Sunday School begins with live worship, followed by a Bible lesson, monthly memory verse practice, and engaging activities to reinforce learning. Children are challenged to learn Bible truths and principles and to apply them in their daily lives throughout the week.
Nursery Care is provided during both 1st and 2nd service on Sundays. Parents with young children are encouraged to drop off their little ones, so that you may attend our worship services with full assurance that your child is cared for. We also offer a Wiggle Room on the left side of the Worship Center for parents of infants who would like to remain with your infant in service.
To keep children connected to their faith throughout the week, we offer a mid-week "Kids Bible Club" (⬅️ Click here) for children 4 years old - 5th grade on Wednesday evenings, September through May, from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM. Each week, we provide games, activities, worship, and crafts as we dig into God’s Word. Registration cost will be $20.00 per child, with a maximum of $35.00 per family of three or more. All materials and a t-shirt are included in the cost.
Every summer, our children, ages preschool through rising 5th graders, experience an incredible week of bible learning, faith activities, fun, games, and fellowship at EFree Vacation Bible School! This special week provides the opportunity for our entire church family to come together to volunteer or participate on an engaging faith journey. We look forward to partnering with parents and volunteers each year to create a memorable program for our children to experience God’s Word.
With so many programs and events in Children’s Ministry, there are many opportunities to serve our children from birth through 5th grade. Whether serving in the nursery, volunteering as a Sunday or Wednesday leader/helper, or at VBS each summer, we have an opportunity for you to foster growth in a child’s faith journey. Experience is not required, and we provide training for you to serve in this exciting ministry. If you would like to volunteer, please download and fill out the Volunteer Application. We look forward to partnering with you as we teach children "To Know Jesus and Make Him Known."
NOTE: For children in Junior High (6th grade) through High School, please visit THE ASCENT for more information.