
To support the Thailand Short Term Mission, please visit HERE.

The Purpose of Missions 

The Scriptures teach that we are to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). This is accomplished as believers fulfill their role as ambassadors of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20) and as local churches recruit, train, and send believers into the world (Romans 10:13 – 1). The goal is to win people to the Lord, equip them in the faith, and establish churches that have the same aim—in every tribe, tongue, people and nation (Acts 14:21 – 23Revelation 5:9). The Missions Leadership Team shall seek to guide the Diamond Bar Evangelical Free Church in light of this purpose statement.

Do you have a heart for Missions and Missionary care? Or have any questions about what we do or how to join the MLT, please contact Margaret Hamel or Kathie Leininger. Thank you.

Meet Our Global Workers

Efree Diamond Bar has the pleasure in partnering with 16 individual and families who serve across 10 different countries around the world. For security reasons, not all of our Global Workers listed below.


Would you like to join a Missionaries support team and receive their monthly updates? If so, please email Margaret Hamel or Kathie Leininger.

Short Term Trips

Each year we offer a short-term mission trip and partner with our missionaries to further God’s Great Commission and personally grow in our faith and dependence on Him. For more information about any of our future trips or how you can support someone you know going on a trip, please email Margaret Hamel or Kathie Leininger.